Female Wrestling in Manga

A place to talk about our love for the art and artists of Japan, as per their depictions of women's professional wrestling.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Something to find out. Anyone know?

I actually have this piece in my collection of cels I've picked-up along the way. It's from "Hakugei Densetsu" or "Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick" or 白鯨伝説 , depending on how you want to search it out.

I know it was done as a fan-sub along the way, but was later licensed and shown on the "Anime Network"; sold as DVD's, etc. I never spotted it while it was in fan-sub mode, so ... Here's the problem, no mater how I search, as per episode recaps, I can't find anything that mentions "wrestling" within a show. Wouldn't ya think it might be mentioned ...?

Anyway, perhaps one of you has seen it and can give further details to the rest of us. The DVD's are available to buy from various sites, but at $20 each times the 5 (?) DVD's ...

The best lead I've come-up with, is this: 22/10/06 Hakugei Densetsu(DVD) 01-13 Ripping in Peace

21/10/06 Hakugei Densetsu(DVD) 01-13 Anime-4ever ,

So, in October, 2 groups were seeding half the series 26 episodes. Me, I can't seem to get to them. Anybody up for some work?
At 6:09 PM, shadowmanuel said…Good picture, but it episode is female vs female or is a mixed fight?. At 6:18 PM, MagicAlex said…Do you know what the show is about in general? It might just be a parody scene or one of the characters imagining something. At 9:37 AM, shadowmanuel said…I have hope it match is female wrestling , not a parody.

Well, I'm pretty sure that it is, indeed, a wrestling tag-team-match, since she's reaching in for a tag in the cel I've got. I have also found, but did not buy, this cel that shows other characters from the show with her. Note: none of them are in wrestling gear, so none of them SHOULD have been her partner in the wrestling scenes. The fellow she's sitting on is called "White Hat" and he's a detective after Ahab, the captain of their space ship. I think, if I've read the episode recaps properly, that, in the first few episodes, Ahab had to round-up his crew... so, maybe she was working as a wrestler somewhere at the time ...


  • At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do you know what the show is about in general? It might just be a parody scene or one of the characters imagining something.

  • At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the anime "Legend of the Moby Dick" is sold in my country singapore for only about $20(singapore dollar)per box. so far only seen 2 boxes that have 13 esp each. you might want to try it here. it might be cheap due to exchange rates

  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger d2b said…

    Thanks for the heads up on Singapore. I actually found a video store in town that has the series on DVD for rental; $4 a rental. So far, trying not to rent more than I need, I've gone through the first two and will go back for # 3 tomorrow ... with my luck, it'll be in the last volume: Doh!


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